No. Don't be stupid. Don't get high, or at least don't ask at WikiAnswers. WikiAnswers does not support illegal abuse of drugs or alcahol. Don't
devil pills are what many people refer to as triple c's,coricidon cough and cold or red devils and skittle people use them to get high mostly teens but many adults to the high is somewhat like LSD acid and other physcodelic drugs
I took 1 and nothing happened
Pills come in many sizes
1,000 pills
50 pills
whydoes the dogs breath smell like poop
Simply multiply the mg's by the amount of pills. 20mg x 29 pills = 580mg in 29 pills.
Pills come in different sizes.
CBS daytime has many popular shows. Two of their most popular daytime shows include "The Young and the Restless" and "The Bold and the Beautiful", both which air on weekdays.
We are not here to advise people how to abuse drugs. Taking any drug that has not been prescribed for you is foolhardy and dangerous.
You don't get high on Equate pain reliever- it is acetaminophen (Tylenol). Take too many, and you will get sick or die. Incidentally, that happens to a lot of people trying to GET high. Poor choice on your part.
You need to specify what "pregnancy pills" is. There are no magic pills that makes you pregnant.