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Q: How many days wife can stay without sex?
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How long can a man stay away from his wife?

If this man really love his wife, adored his wife, and he don't feel complete without his wife, he will miss her a lot. 48 hours will be the longest he can stand without being with his wife for sure.

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you could either tell him to stay a way from your wife or for your wife to stay away from him

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Yes. If they are husbond-wife they can stay in one room in canada. And if they are not a husbond-wife they are stay at one room in canada if they have small job so they can't take a another room for rent. If they are brother-sister they can stay like this many another reasons they can stay in one room in canada.

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They should always talk about it to their wife's first

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*In the wii game Harvest Moon Magical Melody how many days until the father knows she the wife is pregnant?* You will go through a cutscene.

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Many ex wives can stay friends with the husband because they were friends during the marriage. Not all marriages end badly.

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stay with your wife your in lust with with your girlfriend an that wont last

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muslim man can't marry without telling his wives and they have the choice to stay with him or not Muslim man can marry muslim woman or woman belive in god ex: christian or Jewish .

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No, you cannot deposit your wife's check without her signature.