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Q: How many days do you get stretchy mucus for?
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Is stringy stretchy cervical mucus a sign of pregnancy?


Is it normal if Menstrual blood stretchy?

Yes, it is normal for your menstrual blood - or specifically the menstrual flow - to be stretchy. As well as blood your flow is made up of uterine tissue, cervical mucus, and discharge.

When does women secrete vaginal white fluid?

That is called cervical mucus. Secreted by goblet cell of cervix. It is secreted during the period of non menstruation. The consistency of secretion varies along the cycle of mucus secretion. There are wet days and dry days. These consistency can give clue to detect fertility period (egg release) of women. The consistency are not only in term of amount of secreted mucus but also the appearance of the mucus such as thin/thick, white/transparent, stretchy/hold shape, slippery/dry&stick mucus.

What's the feel of mucus when most fertile?

It looks like and feels like clear stretchy albumin that is found in a chickens egg.

Is male semen stretchy like womans fertile mucous?

Yes, semen is sticky because it contains a small amount of mucus.

Brown stretchy mucus but not due on period for two weeks?

This is very common during ovulation which generally occurs right in the middle of your cycle.

How do you check your cervical mucus?

To check your cervical mucus, wash your hands and then insert a clean finger into your vagina to collect a sample from the entrance of your cervix. Examine the texture, color, and consistency of the mucus between your fingers. Keep track of these observations throughout your menstrual cycle to monitor changes.

How long before your period do you get mucus?

The snot like mucus is called the cervical mucus. If a woman has a 28 day cycle, then her period will normal start 14 days after the cervical mucus appears.

How many syllables is the word stretchy?


What does thick white vaginal discharge mean?

When vaginal discharge becomes thin and stretchy this is also called "egg white cervical mucus" it appears when a woman is most fertile , during ovulation week , this type of cervical discharge aids sperm to swim faster and survive longer in the reproductive system , to produce pregnancy , the stretchy vaginal discharge may come right before or during ovulation , and may last a few days after ovulation .

How flexible is wool?

Many wool products such as sweaters, hats, socks and scarfs are knitted from woolen yarns. They are very stretchy. Also many products made from woolen fabrics are stretchy to some extent.Many wool products such as sweaters, hats, socks and scarfs are knitted from woolen yarns. They are very stretchy. Also many products made from woolen fabrics are stretchy to some extent.Many wool products such as sweaters, hats, socks and scarfs are knitted from woolen yarns. They are very stretchy. Also many products made from woolen fabrics are stretchy to some extent.Many wool products such as sweaters, hats, socks and scarfs are knitted from woolen yarns. They are very stretchy. Also many products made from woolen fabrics are stretchy to some extent.

No stretchy mucus on ovulation does it mean I never ovulated?

I'm no doctor so this is no definitive answer, however, I don't get that either, at least not to my knowledge, and I've been pregnant twice. Therefore, I must ovulate.