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Q: How many days before colonoscopy can you have alcohol?
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How many alcohol free days are recommended?

You just do stupid people

If you have a blood test how many days beforehand should you stop drinking for it not to show up?

Alcohol generally can't be detected in a blood test after 24 hours; however, this depends upon the sensitivity of the test and how much the person drank. Alcohol can be detected in urine 5 days after the last alcoholic beverage consumption.

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Alcohol leaves the body within hours rather than days.

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You are planning to have a baby but your husband drank alcohol one week ago how many days alcohol remain in his blood should you stop having sex in order to pregnancy how many days?

Alcohol is gone within 24 hours but as sperm are being continuously produced, unless he is a heavy drinker it doesn't really matter.

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Lent last for 40 days before Easter