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they can get 8 colds a year. they catch it from other children.

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13y ago

About 3 or 4.If they are lucky they might only get one.Others may get 6 or even 7.

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17y ago

about 6-10

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Q: How many colds does a preschooler get in a year?
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How many colds does the average preshooler get a year?

about 6-10

How many colds does a baby have in the first year?

Well, it depends so i can't answer it.

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Get them involved in many different activities to keep them busy and keep them relaxed

What is a 5 year old in genarian terms?

A 5-year-old is considered a toddler or preschooler. They are in the early stages of childhood development and are typically full of curiosity and energy.

How do you get the preschooler in Wimpy Wonderland?

You find him.

Is educating a preschooler a challenge?

Educating a preschooler can sometimes be a challenge. They are very young however they are quick to learn if taught the routine of things.

Why do you get so many colds?

Your immune system is low.

How many people get sick with the common cold each year?

"Each flu season is unique, but it is estimated that, on average, approximately 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and more than 200,000 persons are hospitalized for flu-related complications each year. About 36,000 Americans die on average per year from the complications of flu." This is what the CDC says. Take into account how many people are in the United States. There are about 304,000,000. Three hundred and four million people. 36,000 is not that many people. === ===

What a preschooler should know?

circle, square and triangle