1 Coca-Cola Soda (12 fl oz) contains 155 calories
1 Pepsi Soda (12 fl oz) contains 155 calories
1 Dr Pepper (12 fl oz) contains 155 calories
1 7Up (12 fl oz) contains 145 calories
It depends on the type of soda.
Diet Soda has 0 calories while a 12-ounce can of regular Coke has about 150.
Tanong Muh Sa Nanay Muh Baka Alam
In a 16 ounce bottle of soda, there are about 184 calories. The rate at which the sit-ups are performed will determine the amount of calories burned. If 100 sit-ups in around 10 minutes, 57 calories. It would take around 300 sit-ups in 30 minutes.
100 proof Vodka is 100 calories per 1.5 oz shot, and diet 7-up zero calories = 100 calories total.
There are absolutely no calories in coke zero if your so interested look on the back of the soda bottle and you will see the nutrition facts and if you look were it says calories it says the percentage.
There are about 152 calories in a bottle of Pilsner.
There are about 150 calories in a bottle of SideKicks.
There are about 130 calories in a bottle of Gatorade.
100 650 calories per bottle
There are 0 calories in club soda. DO not confuse with tonic which has many calories compared to club soda.
The average amount of calories in a soda pop is 120-260
150 calories.
there are about 25 "shots" in a typical bottle of tequila and if there is 100 calories in a shot.....there are 2500 calories in a bottle of tequila