For a small person with a poor alcohol tolerance little as 7-10 drinks can lead to fatal alcohol toxicity if consumed quickly enough. It is more difficult to get to toxic levels with beer due to the volume of liquid that must be consumed but it is certainly possible.
Of course, the other hazards of drinking such as traumatic death from falls and car accidents and other mishaps resulting from poor judgement such as freezing to death, pregnancy and getting assaulted are all easily attained with beer.
I have doubts in your moral standings....
your not a man if your 120 lbs..
It takes 2 beers to get a DUI
6 beers
Depends on how many beers you have had.
24 beers in a slab
That is 6.5 beers.
typically half as much as it takes orally
What size of beers are you pouring?
8.5 beers in das boot
De Beers has more than 16,000 employees
3, then he gets in a car, drives, and eventually crashes with the old grandmother crossing the street and kills himself