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Scoring a 10 is very uncommon on the APGAR test. Babies who score an 8 or 9 are typically in good health, while those scoring a 7 or lower may need medical assistance.

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Q: How many babies score ten on the apgar test?
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Related questions

Where did Virginia Apgar make her discovery?

It wasn't a "discovery", it was a series of observations she codified into a 5 item scale. She developed the "Apgar Score" test in 1962.

How does the Apgar test score for color?

2 if the skin is pink all over; 1 for acrocyanosis, where the trunk and head are pink, but the arms and legs are blue; and 0 if the whole body is blue.

What are the normal results of an apgar test?

The maximum possible score is 10, the minimum is zero. It is rare to receive a true 10, as some acrocyanosis in the newborn is considered normal, and therefore not a cause for concern. Most infants score between 7 and 10.

Who devised a simple test to determine the health of newborns?

Virginia Apgar

Why is the Apgar Score done twice?

Developed in 1952 by anesthesiologist, Virginia Apgar, , the APGAR Score checks the newborn's Activity level, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, and Respiration at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth. At the moment of delivery, many newborns can often appear dusky or have a lower than normal APGAR. Usually, the low scores begin to come closer to normal by 5 minutes. A baby's skin color improves, for example, as the lungs fill with air and the baby's circulatory system takes over and normalizes. The test can be repeated if needed. A baby may be more listless because of sedation given to the mother, but with stimulation, the baby becomes more responsive. Obviously, a very low APGAR at 1 minute would mean doctors and nurses would be intervening and treating symptoms, as appropriate.

What test is used to diagnose respiratory distress in infants?

I believe it is called the APGAR test. Which is also used for newborns.

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If the Z Score of a test is equal to zero then the raw score of the test is equal to the mean. Z Score = (Raw Score - Mean Score) / Standard Deviation

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