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Depends entirely on blood O2 saturation prior to exposure to the Nitrogen. Given a 100% Nitrogen atmosphere, the expected time with zero oxygen, starting with a normally O2 saturated victim is about 9 minutes before mortality. However, severe and permanent injury can occur in a shorter timeframe -- as little as 4-5 minutes. Note that extreme hypthermia may cause a significant increase in these times.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

There happened a case of Suffocation in Pakistan. The initial info is that. A Long- vehicle carrying a 42Feet Container was accomodated by more than 100 Persons being rided from Afghanistan Border To Quetta ( while travled ~ 75 miles Distance up to Quetta City from the border. Upon reaching to Quette when the container door was opened , it revealed that more than 50 persons found dead due to suffucation. Now the folowing questions arises below. 1.How much the said Vehicle contained Oxygen? 2.In the presence of 100 persons , how much Oxygen being consumed by each person during their detention in Vehicle-Container? 3.If be possible, a formula caluation can be suggested for estimation of Oxygen. Thanks. Syed Abdul Jabbar.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A bit over 4 minutes. Nitrogen is not toxic at normal pressures, it simply does not support life. As the oxygen already in your bloodstream is depleted (and not replaced) you will lose conciousness in about half a minute, and in about 4 minutes, be brain dead.

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Q: How long would it take to die breathing pure nitrogen?
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Why do we need nitrogen i the atmosphere?

Without nitrogen in the atmosphere, we would be breathing in nearly pure oxygen, which would be fatal.

If you breathe in pure nitrogen what will happen?

Breathing in pure nitrogen can be extremely dangerous as nitrogen does not support human respiration. When you inhale pure nitrogen, it displaces oxygen in your lungs, leading to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, which can result in rapid suffocation and death. It is important to always ensure proper ventilation and air quality to prevent accidental inhalation of pure nitrogen.

What is nitrogen necessary for?

Nitrogen is necessary for life on earth. Without nitrogen, which makes up some 78% of the earth's atmosphere, we would be breathing in nearly pure oxygen and that would be fatal.

Can you breathe nitrogen safely?

No, breathing pure nitrogen can be dangerous and even deadly because it can displace oxygen in the air, leading to suffocation.

What kind of gas does animal and people need to stay alive?

Oxygen. But, they also need nitrogen since otherwise they would be breathing in nearly pure oxygen and that would be fatal.

Can humans breathe nitrogen safely?

No, humans cannot breathe nitrogen safely as it does not provide the necessary oxygen for respiration. Breathing pure nitrogen can lead to asphyxiation and suffocation.

Can we breathe in nitrogen safely?

Yes, we can breathe in nitrogen safely as it makes up about 78 of the air we breathe. However, breathing in pure nitrogen can be dangerous as it can displace oxygen in the air, leading to asphyxiation.

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Breathing pure oxygen when diving deeper than 40 feet can help prevent nitrogen narcosis, reduce the risk of decompression sickness, and allow for longer bottom times.

Is liquid nitrogen a pure or mixure substance?

Liquid nitrogen is a pure substance. It is composed of nitrogen molecules only, with a chemical formula N2.

Is nitrogen gas toxic?

Nitrogen gas is not toxic to humans in normal atmospheric concentrations. However, breathing in pure nitrogen gas can lead to asphyxiation because it displaces oxygen in the air, leading to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream.

Why human not die breathing mostly nitrogen in atmosphere?

Humans breathe a mixture of gases in air, not just nitrogen. Nitrogen itself is not harmful to humans in normal concentrations found in the atmosphere. However, breathing pure nitrogen can displace oxygen in the lungs and lead to asphyxiation.

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