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Q: How long will a scrape hurt?
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Do rosy boa bites hurt?

Everything is relative, to some people it may hurt, but to others, not even an anaconda bite would hurt. But in general it's more of a scrape than anything else

How long was the scrape in the side of the Titanic?

6 feet

Can you you get hurt from a tree?

Well if you fall from the tree or scrape yourself on the tree than yes or if the tree falls on you than yes that would hurt. But if you and the tree do not make contact than there is no way of getting hurt.

What should you do if you get hurt?

It depends on how hurt your toddler is and why he or she got hurt. If it is a minor cut or scrape, you can clean it, put a salve that is appropriate for toddlers on it, and cover it with a bandaid. If it is a serious cut, possible break, etc., you should take the toddler to the doctor. If someone hurt the toddler intentionally, you should take steps to protect the toddler from that happening again.

What should you do if your toddler gets hurt?

It depends on how hurt your toddler is and why he or she got hurt. If it is a minor cut or scrape, you can clean it, put a salve that is appropriate for toddlers on it, and cover it with a bandaid. If it is a serious cut, possible break, etc., you should take the toddler to the doctor. If someone hurt the toddler intentionally, you should take steps to protect the toddler from that happening again.

What is the pelvic test?

A Pelvic test is a internal. A Internal is when someone checks the uteris to see if its closed or not or to do a papsmear A pap smear is when they scrape ur cervix but i can say it does not hurt.

What is scrape file?

you scrape the file to get desired information

How do you replace valve cover gaskets on 97 grand am?

take off your valve covers and peel off the gasket you may have to scrape it off with a screwdriver but it wont hurt anything

How long should you leave your resin out before smoking?

just smoke it after you scrape it, you don't have too wait.

How long was the scrape on the titanic?

Plates were separated due to popped rivets in a series spanning about 258 feet.

Does shape have a long a sound?

No, the word "shape" does not have a long A sound. It is pronounced with a short A sound, like "sha-p".