How long can a male have chlemydia until his sperm quality goes down
The tail of a sperm remains with the head until the sperm goes into the egg to fertilise it.
Masturbate. If you are a child it may not happen until you are older.
There is NO definite time it will b a while for now you should get some cler sticky resadue come out from the penis this is called pre-cum?
You may not be able to. Until you have matured sexually, you body does not produce sperm.
In a normal adult male, both testicles produce sperm cells pretty much continuously. It's not made "on demand", as it were, but is stored until needed (or until the sperm cells die, at which point they're reabsorbed).
if a guy does not release sperm for long periods of time the sperm will natrually come out of the body by its self there for sperm is constantly renewing wether it is at its maximum compacity or not
No. If that were the case there would no need for pregnancy tests.
Once it hits air, its (( dead )). It can live inside the body for 5-6 days
Sperm and skin comes in different colors and shapes. Sperm and skin come in long elongated and branched at an end.
How long does male sperm live
You must wait until you have gone through puberty