There is no set time frame. When you feel a special bond with someone that can happen at anytime. Just before you say it make sure u really feel it.
You don't wait.
Until you are absolutely, 110% sure of it. Do not confuse a simple lust or crush for love; you should end up waiting for a number of months before saying it.
every ones relationship is diffrent but to make it worth it wait as long as you can
Wait for the right time, make her love you and when you say it to her it will feel right and she will say it back, I promise you that, but if she doesn't say it back then there is something wrong and I would look through her text messages to see whats going on. Ask anything man and I'll answer it if i can.
You wait until you think it's no longer acceptable or because you've love the interest and will to wait for her.
Strike while the iron is hot.
wait till she is ready . you cant rush love you just wait for it . it comes naturaly.
Some will wait forever
wait til she puts out
First home buyer should wait how long before refinancing?
I waited a year and a half, but normally you should wait a lot longer than that, especially if you're still in your teens (yeah, as if you're actually gonna marry that person you're saying "i love you" to.)
It's good to wait until after the funeral.