The average is 8 hrs of sleep will make you awake enough to go outside... etc. It is still OK if you sleep more than 8 hrs, but remember you won't regret it when you can't sleep at night!
Sleep deprivation is not good for you in the long term
You should never sleep with an eletric blanket.
it is okay to sleep after eating dinner as long as you give some time to digest the food you have eaten.
Babies should not sleep in a swing for extended periods of time. It is recommended that babies only nap in a swing for short periods under supervision, and they should be moved to a safe sleep surface, like a crib, for longer sleep periods.
They should sleep at 9:35pm.
He used to sleep for a long time. The longer time he sleeps, the large stength he gets. He will sleep for a long time and he'll get power of some elephants.
The best time amount of time for someone to sleep is 10 hours. Your body needs the sleep, and without it, it won't funcution as it's supposed to.
If the pain of sleeping on it is tolerable then it should be ok to sleep on it.
A teenager needs 8 1/2 to 9 hours sleep a night to be able to function at their peak so they should go to sleep at a time that allows them to get that much sleep.