As long as you want. If you are the one holding out, then when ever you are ready. If you are the one being held out then as long as you are willing...meaning when you are no longer willing the relationship ends.
Every relationship is different. It depends on the two people involved and how long you have known each other. I would wait until you get to know each other for a few months before I ask him to be your boyfriend. Relationships are more successful if you are friends first and don't rush into anything romantic until you know each other.
At least a week.
How long can mean either how much time or how much length or distance. If someone asks, "How long before you're ready to go?" he wants to know how much time remains until you are ready to go. If someone asks, "How long does it take to get to your house from here?" he is asking for the total travel time. If someone asks, "How long is a football field?" or "How long is your pencil?" he is asking for the length.
A few months.
You shouldn't be having sex at all if you are asking that question.
This is a question which you should be asking of the admissions department of the college to which you would like to transfer, rather than asking us.
well atleast a day
Do you mean how old should a dog be before having puppies? If so, I generally recommend that they are at least 18 months. If you are asking how long should they be, there is no criteria, that I am aware of, for this. SYong, DVM
Before long, everyone was asking questions about idioms, and expecting answers.
It depends on what your experiment was. You should ask a teacher or someone that you know who has done this before.
Before beginning a long outing on eh water, always tell someone who is NT going with you where you intend to be, and when.
It really depends on how well you know each other and how well you get along. If you feel a connection instantly - go for it - just keep it casual, like coffee.
wait til she puts out