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Q: How long should you stay in bed if you are having trouble falling asleep?
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Falling asleep at the wheel is fatal in percentage of crashes?

Falling asleep at the wheel is estimated to be a factor in around 21% of fatal crashes in the United States. It is a serious issue that can result in loss of life and should be avoided by ensuring drivers are well-rested before getting behind the wheel.

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It appears you should be wary of falling asleep with noone around to wake you during a nightmare.

Fired due to falling asleep on the job can you draw unemployment?

In most cases, a person can not draw unemployment when they were fired for falling asleep. To draw unemployment, a person needs to be fired for doing the job incorrectly, or job performance. You should still file for benefits and see if you get approved.

Can you give your cat phenoxybenzamine if he is having trouble urinating?

No, phenoxybenzamine is not typically used to treat urinary issues in cats. It is primarily used to manage conditions like hypertension and certain behavioral disorders. If your cat is having trouble urinating, it is important to consult a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

How do you fall asleep on Christmas Eve and don't just say don't think about Christmas it is always hard and it always takes you hours so what should you do?

you have always fallen asleep on Christmas eve it just takes a little longer. so don't worry about falling asleep because you will.

I'm having trouble breathing and I have chills and fever. Am I having a heart attack?

Probably you are just sick. But with the trouble breathing, you should definitely get into your doctor as soon as possible.

When making a long trip you should stop and rest?

If you are driving on a long journey alone, frequent short stops will help prevent you from falling asleep at the wheel.

Who should not take schisandra?

Schisandra should not be used during pregnancy or in patients who are having trouble urinating.

Why do you occasionally keep falling asleep while driving?

The most common reason to fall asleep while driving is that you are sleep deprived or on medication which causes you to fall asleep. You should not drive if you fall asleep while doing so, as it is highly dangerous for you as well as other drivers. If you are receiving enough sleep and are not on any medication, you should discuss your problem with your doctor. You may have a very serious medical condition such as narcolepsy.

Is falling asleep on someone accidentally and the person underneath dies is it murder?

Accidental nothing u could do. Should they go to jail for that? Manslaughter, but very unlikely to really happen.

If I am having trouble with the IRS should I hire a tax law attorney?

Yes you should. The stress of being in trouble with the IRS is much worse than thinking about paying for an attorney in this case.

You got punched in the jaw and now hurts when you open it and im having trouble eating what should you do?

go to the doctor