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well if your tryinq to qet over an ex lover then its better to don't talk or try to see them . If you keep doinqs those thinqs it will take a lonq while to qet over them kuhs you start havinq more feelinqs for that person each time . you can start contactinq them when you don't like or love that person anymore andd yall can just be friends for now on . well if your tryinq to qet over an ex lover then its better to don't talk or try to see them . If you keep doinqs those thinqs it will take a lonq while to qet over them kuhs you start havinq more feelinqs for that person each time . you can start contactinq them when you don't like or love that person anymore andd yall can just be friends for now on .

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Q: How long should you do no contact with ex-girlfriend?
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he sounds like a jerk to me........cause no boy should ever tell a girl they like her and then get back with his exgirlfriend. Don't worry about it. He just wanted a girl by his side so he could get his exgirlfriend jealous. One way or another, he still have feelings for his exgirlfriend. I don't mean for you to get upset or anything, but its just the truth and your better off without him................just walk past him in the hall with your pride and he'll know that he messed with the wrong girl ;)

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If you want her to talk to you, call or write to her. If she doesn't respond, then leave her alone and give her space. Don't contact her anymore. If you do, you'll just be feeding her ego. Trust me.

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