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Everyday! Vitamin C has been found to lower levels of lead in the blood, boost the immune system, and it even helps to fight cancer! It is an essential nutrient and is easily depleted by smoking, drinking etc. Every "free radical" in the body uses up one vitamin c molecule...that's a lot considering all of the pollution and toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis (polluted air, water, food, drugs..) Eat tons of citrus, green tea, and take a supplement, eat organic and you will thrive!

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Q: How long should one take vitamin c?
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What is the main reason behind taking one source vitamins?

The main reason one should take a one source vitamin is because everyone has specific needs and requirements for their body. If someone is short on vitamin C then it is best to take a supplement which can help with a vitamin C deficiency.

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Adenine is the v4 it is produced by the body, no longer considered a vitamin and it is not part of the list. At one time it was, and the scientists discovered it is part of the metabolism of humans.

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It is better to discuss with your doctor. However, while I was doing my research the multivitamins that I found without vitamin K is "One a Day: Essential".

Can you take vitamin b and vitamin c together?

Yes, they are perfectly safe to take with one another in reasonable dosages.

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this should be discussed with a doctor; Vitamin E affects the blood clotting mechanisms and can be dangerous if too much is taken...e.g., for anyone having surgery.

How long should should it take before you have pumpkins on the vine?

About one year.

Would you expect one 1000Mg vitamin C tablet or two 500Mg tablets to take more time to release the vitamin C?

You would expect one 1000mg to take more time to release the vitamin C.

How much vitamin K should you take if you are low?

Ask your doctor. less vitamin k can be a minor or major problem. depends on how severe one's condition is. consult a doctor or nutritionist and follow a healthy diet. :)

How many vitamins should a mother take while pregnant?

Prenatal vitamins are the best. Ask your doctor. Don't take vitamins which are not specifically for pregnant women as some (like vitamin A) can cause problems. With vitamins more is not better.

How much and how often should one take black cherry concentrate to relieve the symptoms of gout?

Cherry is mainly a source of vitamin C. One tablet a day is enough for adults

How many 5000 iu tablets should you take for 100000mg of vitamin d?

A huge number. Doses of vitamin D are usually measured in mcg (micrograms), not mg (milligrams). You would have to take eight hundred thousand 5000 IU tablets of vitamin D to be one hundred thousand MG. That's 800,000 5000 iu tablets of vitamin D = 100,000 mg. Even if you mean micrograms (mcg) it would require eight hundred (800) 5000 iu tablets of vitamin D to be 100,000 mcg. 800 5000 iu tablets of vitamin D = 100,000 mcg.