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i like to give the answer just a guidance..Spiritual science believes that there are energy centers in our body that monitor the actions , emotions,of the human body..Near to tharat (vocal chord) there is such energy center named as visuddhi chakra which monitors the thoartal region...just witness it..see any improvement over it...

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Q: How long should one rest the vocal cords if they are tired?
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Related questions

How long are an elephant's vocal cords?

Eighty feet.

How does shouting irritate the larynx?

Your vocal cords come together and vibrate to produce sound. The higher the speech volume the more trauma is placed on the vocal cords. Swellings can occur on the vocal cords which cause a hoarse/rough sound to the voice. Lumps such as polyps or nodules can form. It is advised that if you experience symptoms of a hoarse /rough voice after using your voice with increased stress to the vocal cords, that you rest your voice to allow the vocal cords to recover. Prolonged trauma can cause long term voice problems.

How long does it take for strained vocal cords to heal on complete vocal rest?

it depends with people and the severity of the damage.maybe few days to months.

What do the vocal cords do?

vocal cords create your voice by vibrating, and in so doing, they alter the pressure of the air at audio frequencies. We call this variation in air pressure Sound.

What causes you to loose your voice?

Losing your voice can be caused by overuse or strain of the vocal cords, such as yelling or speaking loudly for long periods of time. It can also be a result of infections like colds or laryngitis, acid reflux, or polyps on the vocal cords. Resting your voice and staying hydrated can help to regain it.

What is muse Matt bellamy's musical background?

He never had any vocal lessons. His voice developed during jam sessions in which he was trying to overpower the instruments without using a microphone. Explaining his long sustained falsetto voice. In another interview there has been said there was once a picture taken of his vocal cords and they turned out to be exceptionally small, they looked like woman's vocal cords.

The voice box which contains the vocal cords in the neck?

Voice box: The voice box, or larynx, is the portion of the respiratory (breathing) tract containing the vocal cords which produce sound. It is located between the pharynx and the trachea. The larynx, also called the voice box, is a 2-inch-long, tube-shaped organ in the neck

What kind of sickness is you can't talk for a long time?

If a long time is a few days to a week, then this would be laryngitis. If it is longer than that, then it could be a number of things - especially those which could affect the vocal cords.

What is chronic laryngitis?

Chronic laryngitis is a long-lasting inflammation of the voice box (larynx) usually caused by excessive strain on the vocal cords. Symptoms can include hoarseness, a scratchy throat, and a feeling of needing to clear the throat frequently. Treatment may involve voice rest, hydration, and sometimes speech therapy.

Where should your passengers be while you are tired?

If you are tired you should not be driving, so you will be in the same place as they are, on the side of the road taking a long nap.

Why don't dogs usually develop sore throats or lose their voices after barking for a long time?

Dogs evolved to bark so their vocal arrangement is not the same as humans. Barking does not require the same exercise of the vocal cords as yelling does in humans thus they can bark almost endlessly.

Why is coo's voice so deep?

A cow's voice is deep because of the size of their larynx and vocal cords, which produce lower-pitched sounds. This is a result of their anatomy and physiology, allowing them to communicate effectively within their herd and over long distances.