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At least 10 minutes. At least.

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Q: How long should intercourse last?
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how long dhould the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant how long should the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant

How long should intercorse last?

Most women find that intercourse is most satisfying in the 5-7 minute range.

How long does sex intercourse can last?

Sex can last a period of time depending on the two sex mate

How long can a condom last during sex before breaking?

A condom should last the entire session but they are not guaranteed to. Always dispose of it after sexual intercourse and use a new one each time.

How do you last long during sexual intercourse naturally?

10-15 sec

Should you have intercourse in your first trimester or pregnancy?

You can have intercourse until the baby pops his/her little head out as long as it's comfortable for you.

How long you should wait until your second intercourse?

one month

How long after intercourse should you take a pregnanty test?

About two weeks.

How long should you wait to get up after intercourse when trying to get pregnant?

30 minutes.

How long can sexual intercourse last?

As long as yuh nd your Mann wnt iht tew or Gil yawl gt tired.....

How long does the average sexual intercourse last?

30 seconds to an hour depending on the skill and\or style of the partners

How long does the intercourse of a stallion last?

Intercourse usually lasts for 30-60 seconds before the stallion ejaculates completely. Time can be prolonged if the mare is worried, scared or uncooperative.