usually two (2) working days to a week ..depends on the laboratory schedule and how soon the doctor needs it
The diagnosis of colon cancer is actually made by the performance of a biopsy of any abnormal lesion in the colon. When a tumor growth is identified, it could be either a benign polyp (or lesion) or a cancer; the biopsy resolves the issue.
is a colon resection recommended for sessile -flat polyp
Had a colonoscopy this week, and my doctor said that a 12mm colon polyp is considered medium size.
The previous removal of a polyp in the sigmoid colon has left a mark on the skin.
A person can typically find colon polyps in the colon, which is in the large intestine. The cause of most colon polyps is unknown. Colon polyps are common in adults.
An ear polyp is a benign growth on or in the ear.
It cause colon cancer by these two causes of tobacco, 1. The inhaled or swallowed tobacco smoke carcinogens to the colon 2. The tobacco increseases the polyp size. The bigger the polyp the greater the chance of it becoming canerous. :) Hope this helps
Polyps can typically be found in various parts of the body, such as the colon, nose, or cervix. Diagnosis and treatment of polyps are usually done by healthcare professionals, such as gastroenterologists, ENT specialists, or gynecologists, depending on the location of the polyp.
The polyp described is likely a pedunculated polyp. These polyps have a thin stalk (peduncle) that connects the polyp to the inner lining of the colon or rectum, with a ball-shaped irregular top that can protrude into the bowel lumen.
Need more information. Was this an endoscopic procedure, and if so, what method? (hot biopsy forceps or bipolar cautery? snare technique?) Also, was it one polyp, or multiple polyps?
211.3 is not the size of your polyp. 211.3 is the ICD-9 code (the insurance identification code) for colon polyps. Talk with your health care provider so that you are clear on your situation, rather than trying to understand it based on your bill or visit summary.