Ive heard that it lasts like up to four months. Its depends what you smoked if its some high grade stuff than it lasts long like three months. but if its like not then 3 weeks.
Nothing but time will get mariguana out of your body - so if you want to get clean do not take it.
Nothing it takes 90 days to leave your system.
Cocaine may last in your body for about 15 hours.
It can last as long as your body makes it last... mine are about 6-7 days but i usually have about 3-4 heavier days. It lasts as long as your body is ready for,
it dipends on which part of the body it comes from
Different Medications last different amounts of time.
They last forever. Or at least until you die and your body rots.
mariguana plant
a few thousand years
They last a long time because of the hard material they are made of. The rest of the body decomposes quickly.