how to thaw a 1lbs spiral ham
all precooked hams are labeled as precooked..just need heating... otherwise, an uncooked ham has a clear wrapping and is labeled as uncooked
If it were me, I'd probably heat the precooked ham at 350º for about an hour. That'd be my best guess if I didn't have the instructions from the wrapper.
well, to cook a PREcooked ham you have to sit on the ham for atleast 3 days and 47 minutes although it may help if you fertilise the ham with your natural feaces, or juices (yes that includes sperm) every 15 minutes.
5 days
Generally, people smoked hams for about 40 minutes per pound. However, this varies depending on the temperature at which the ham is smoked. About 230 degrees is a good temperature for a precooked ham.
Then cook it.
at 300 to 350 is a good temp and to tell if its done u need a cooking temp taker and when u see that the ham is at 330 degrees it finish
A precooked ham is already cooked and needs only to be heated to a desired temperature, if it is wanted to serve it hot. As a precooked item, it can be sliced and served cold.
do not cook it is precooked. heat at 350 for 20 min/lb
ummm... just a wild guess here: Ham skin?
though precooked, it is best when baked usually at 18 minutes per pound. it is safe to eat but would not taste as good.