A dose of 15mb M. Amphet Salts will last varying amounts of time depending on who is receiving the dose. The dose will last longer in a smaller person than in a larger person.
Akathisia includes many symptoms. The top three symptoms of Akathisia are restlessness, anxiety, and pacing. This disease can be commonly diagnosed for other similar medical problems.
Around 72 hours since your last dose. Even if it's the only dose.
5 hours
Totality can last anywhere from a few seconds up to maybe 5-7 minutes.
They usually last six months.
Until you start to eat food and live healthy. Eat food!
Depends on your tolerance. Is this your first dose? If it is, it is likely to last a very long time. Depends on your body chemistry. For some, it will last 3.5 hours before it loses efficacy. For others, it will last DAYS on a first dose, and you won't sleep for upwards of 48 hours. Source: Personal experience.
Valium has a long half-life (20-100 hours) and metabolizes into several metabolites with varying half-lives. Depending on the dose the anxiolytic effects can last several days. That being said it's recreational effects tend to last a few hours. Again, this depends on the dose taken.
How long after last dose of Aderall 30mg can it be detected in blood urine 5'4 130 pounds
100 mg of pure d-methamphetamine to a body with zero tolerance is way too much! It's not the amount that affects the sleep its the last dose, add 12 hours to your last dose.