About 40 feet. (Average of half an inch per month=6 inches a year X 80 years=480in =40feet).
On average, human hair grows at a rate of about half an inch per month, or six inches per year. Assuming an average lifespan of around 80 years, the average human will grow about 480 inches or 40 feet of hair in a lifetime. This estimate can vary based on individual factors such as genetics, health, and hair care practices.
1,222,222,222,222,222,222,222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 inches
On your head, the average person grows about 12cm of hair in a year.
Your hair grows .75 inches in a month
About 15cm a year depending on the type of person
Hair and nails continue to grow throughout a person's lifetime.
540 inches.
well it depends from person to person. on average, hair grows approx. 6 inches a year.
Hair grows on an average of 1/2 to 1 inch a month. Washing it will not make it grow faster. Each person is unique and their hair will grow at different speeds.
the average white person grows about half an inch a month. The hair at your shoulders is about 2 years old.
On average 2.5 inches. At maximum 7.5 inches.
2 months. The average person's hair grows 6-8 inches every year.