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Q: How long does it take your body to recover from being on the pill?
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The pill does not change how long fluids stay in your body. Sperm live for up to five days whether or not a woman is on the pill.

What will be effects on your body if you stop taking birth control pill for a month or two?

Your symptoms of being on the pill will gradually decrease and you may experience irregular menstrual cycle while your body adjusts to being off the pill.

Does being on the pill for a long amount of time 8 years matter?

depending on the kind of pill it will matter and sometimes not

How long does it take to menstruate after being off the pill?

Going off the Pill shouldn't affect your menstrual cycle.

How long do you have to wait to switch to the shot after being on the pill?

You can start the shot at any time if you're on the pill, with no break in protection.

How long does it take to get pregnant once you come off the pill?

It depends on how long you have been on the pill, what type of birth control pill, and your body. It could be anywhere from the day you are off it, to six months. If you are not looking to get pregnant use a condom.

Body becomes dependent on the pill for periods?

Sort of. Being on the pill will regulate the periods, although strictly speaking they'll be something slightly different. But once you go off the pill the body's natural rhythm will reestablish itself in a few months.

How long does allergy pill last in your body?

Different Medications last different amounts of time.

If you were on the mini pill for 1 year and have been off for 2 weeks how long should it take before you get your period?

it depends on what time your period comes on like before u start the pill, you know like beginning of the month (or end) when ever it came on before you got on the pill Hello. When you stop birth control pills you will first have a withdrawal bleed which can be very light, spotting or look exactly like your normal period. This is caused by the hormones combined in the pill, being released from your body. Once there released and your body begins adjusting to being without the pill, you have break through bleeding. It does take three months for the pill to be completely out of your system. When you expect your period is different in every woman. Some women have two periods in the first month of stopping the pill. This is the withdrawal bleed and the normal period. While other women have scanty periods for the next few months. It all depends on how quickly your body adjusts to being off the pill.

How long does it take to get a period after coming off Birth control?

I was on the pill for 10 years. When I stopped taking the pill it took my body 6 months to have a period. Everyone is different!

What if your fiance took the pill for 8 years and stopped taking them 3 months ago How long would it take her body to regulate itself again for ovulation?

Ovulation normally returns 2-4 weeks after the last pill regardless of how long a woman has been taking the pill. If her periods were irregular prior to using the pill, they are likely to resume their irregular pattern when she stops the pill.

You have been on the pill for 6 months but been on other contreception before how long will it take before you will be able to conceive?

its hard to say, the majority of people ovulate straight away after finishing there pill where others have a withdrawl bleed which can prospone the ovulatsion cycle. in some people it can take up to six mounths for there body to get back to normal, cnsidering how long you were on the pill and the effect it had on your body. hopefully your one of the lucky ones which ovulate straight away, as if you are your body is more fertile after coming off the pill.