It it not possible for some one to go through such a dramatic change in form. So you will never be able to shapeshift. If at any point you believe that you have changed into an animal please seek medical attention.
In About 2 weeks you can take it out...
until you use it or until you take it out of the box.
Oh honey, therian isn't a language, it's a whole other ball game. Therianthropy is actually a belief that one has a connection to an animal spirit. So, unless you're fluent in growls and howls, you might want to stick to good old-fashioned human speech.
In Pokémon Black 2, in order to get the item that is called the Reveal Glass, you will need a Landorus while it is currently in its Therian Forme. The only way to receive Landorus while it is in its Therian Forme is to get the Dream Radar from the Nintendo 3DS eshop and then find and capture Landorus in the Dream Radar and then you can send Landorus over to Black 2 and it will remain in its Therian Forme, you will then need to put it in your party and take it with you to the Abundant Shrine and the guy there near the Shrine will give you the Reveal Glass.
Until your pleasured enough...
6 weeks :)
If you are just starting it may take as long as a year.
how long until co dydramol is out of your system
until somebody answers your question
about 3 weeks
Until it dies.
Until someone, or something wins