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Q: How long does it take to wash hands?
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How long should you wash your hands?

20 seconds

How many liters of water to wash your hands?

about 1 litre but it really depends n how long you wash your hands for

how to wash your hands?

wash your hands :)

How do you get cat hair out of your mouth?

you wash your hands and take it out. not that hard.

How do you get an eggshell out of batter?

umm really (no offense) but really!?!?!?! u take it out with your hands but first wash ur hands and then you can take it out

What temperature should you wash your hands in?

It is recommended to wash your hands with warm water, ideally around 100°F (38°C). This temperature is effective in removing dirt and germs from your hands without causing discomfort.

How long after you bring a guinea pig can you wash it?

You don't have to, but since they are living in there own filth then you should. If you are allergic then you should do this: You wash your hands with regular soap and regular water from the sink. Then, you wash your hands like you usually would.

What does the idiom to wash hands of it means?

Think about literally washing your hands and you can figure this out. If you wash something off your hands, you are getting rid of it. Washing your hands of something means you are done with it - you take no further responsibility or work no further on it.

What is wrong with this sentence Employees must wash your hands?

It is supposed to be wash their hands not your hands because that wiuld be weird having someone wash your hands for you.

How important personal hygiene in cooking?

Very important. If you have long hair, tie it back. Always wash you hands before starting, and wash them frequently while cooking. If you scratch an itch, you should wash your hands again. Your hands touch everything and there are lots of germs and bacteria everywhere, so wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water!

What is the most important action to take before serving food?

Wash your hands

How long does food department require you to wash hands?

As long as it takes you to sing Happy Birthday! Try it!