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Q: How long does it take to reduce elevated ast and alt levels?
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Can using oxygen to breathe make you go blind?

Yes. Elevated oxygen levels for too long can make you lose your vision. That's why premature babies are often blind when they grow up. Take Stevie Wonder for example.

What happens when the diaphragm is elevated?

When the diaphragm is elevated, it can lead to decreased lung volume and decreased ability to take deep breaths. This can result in difficulty breathing and reduced oxygen levels in the blood. In severe cases, an elevated diaphragm can also compress nearby structures like the heart and the inferior vena cava.

How do you lower Cholesterol levels?

Lifestyle modifications make sense for anyone with elevated cholesterol. But if your cardiovascular risk is high, you may also need to take a cholesterol-lowering drug.

How long can you take simvastatin 40mg?

Simvastatin 40mg is typically taken long-term to manage high cholesterol levels. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions and have regular check-ups to monitor for any potential side effects or necessary dosage changes.

What happens if your stressed and take part in sport?

depending on your stress levels, your performance may vary to a point where you take all frustration out on your opponents. now this is ok as long their is no physical danger of injuring your opponent(s). sport has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels in people so it can be a good idea to play sport when stressed :)

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It takes approximately twenty-four to forty-eight hours for elevated liver enzymes to return to normal after cessation of alcohol consumption. For smaller individuals, it can take even longer.

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How long does it take for a coral reef to be destroyed?

it depends on where it is and the pollution levels in the water.

Does vitamin b3 help cholesterol?

Yes. Vitamin B3 known as niacin helps reduce colesterol. Niacin helps to reduce the 'bad colesterol' while increase the levels of 'good colesterol'. So if you are trying to reduce it, it will help if you take more B3.

What is a natural way to eliminate darkunder eye circles?

Take a daily vitamin, reduce stress levels, and get a decent amount of sleep each night.

How long will it take niacin to get percocets out of your system?

Answer#1Niacin has no effect on serum oxycodone levels.

How long should you test your blood before you take the results to the doctor to help convince her that she should test you?

If you are having elevated blood sugar levels, getting tested earlier is better than waiting, as early treatment and good blood glucose control has been shown to help prevent some complications of the disease.