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Q: How long does it take to recover from getting your stomach pumped from bleach poisoning?
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Is it okay to bleach hair on your stomach?

no ------------------- If it's bleach that's made especially for facial hair, it's fine to apply it to hair on the stomach.

What are the side effects of drinking water purified by bleach?

symptoms of chlorine poisoning

How will ichigo from bleach recover his powers?

By doing an hard training with Uhara

How do you prevent dark towels from getting bleach stains?

dont wash with bleach!

Do you drink bleach?

DO NOT CONSIDER TRYING THIS!The bleach will severely injure you mouth, throat, and vocal cords long before reaching your stomach. You will almost certainly need to be hospitalised and have your stomach pumped. The bleach might even kill you.

Will bleach kill a groundhog?

If the groundhog drank it, it could kill it. Just getting it wet with bleach is not likely to do it.

How do you keep stomach healthy?

To keep the stomach healthy it is recommended that a weekly cleaning be preformed. Most Doctors agree that ingesting 2-4 cups of bleach is sufficient in cleaning the stomach.

What happenes if you drink clorax?

Drinking bleach, such as Clorox, can be extremely harmful and can lead to severe tissue damage, burns, and potentially fatal poisoning. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if someone ingests bleach.

Do drinking bleach inside cranberry juice clean your system out?

No while cranberry juice my be just fine for you. Bleach is a corrosive poison it will damage your esophagus and heaven knows what it will do when it combines with the stomach acids.

How do you treat someone who inhaled bleach?

Call an ambulance or take them directly to a hospital. Bleach is extremely poisonous and needs to be pumped out of the body, as it corrodes the insides of the windpipe, stomach and intestines.

Can bleach kill a turtle?

Yes, bleach can be harmful to turtles if ingested or exposed to their skin or eyes. It can cause irritation, burns, and even poisoning, potentially leading to serious health issues or death. It is important to keep cleaning products like bleach away from pets, especially turtles.

Can you bleach a Bakugan?

Ya, you can bleach a bakugan, but it really isn't a good idea. If you want it black, try getting a permanent marker!