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Normal adult heart rate = 60 to 100 BPM

1 billion / 60 = 16,666,667 minutes / 60 minutes/hr = 277,778 hours / 24 hours/d = 11,574 days / 365d/y = 31.7 years

Similarly, at 100 BPM, 19.0 years

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Q: How long does it take for your heart to beat 1 billion times at the age of 29?
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8000000 125000 seconds= 2083.3 minutes=34.72 hours= not quite a day and a half

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the answer to this is dunkoe loool brap brap to the heart like beat fly

How long can a alligators heart beat after death?

I'm not exaxtly sure, but I know its quite a while.

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