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it depends on how severe it is and how well you responded to it

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Q: How long does it take for post-iflammatory hyperpigmentation to fade away?
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How long does it take for scars to fade away to the most?

For me it took about 1 and a half to 2 yrs

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The time it takes for a dry erase marker to fade away on a whiteboard can vary depending on factors like the quality of the marker and how it is erased. Generally, it can take a few days to a few weeks for the markings to completely fade.

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It is difficult to tell, as the game does not come out until January. But judging from the video clips I have seen, I would say yes. It appears that after a long time they eventually do fade away. But nothing is very clear.

How long it take for stretch marks to go away when using cocoa butter?

Stretch marks are actually a type of scar which never goes away completely. They often fade so that they are not longer visible, but they are still there. The biggest factor in how quickly they will fade is youth and skin condition. And not smoking.

Is fade a short vowel sound?

No, "fade" does not have a short vowel sound. In this word, the letter "a" makes a long vowel sound, which is pronounced like the "a" in "gate".

What type of treatments are there for hyperpigmentation?

For a quick fix one can use cosmetics to cover the affected area. There are several topical creams for long-term treatments on hyperpigmentation that are both over the counter and by prescription. However some causes of hyperpigmentation due to skin damage or scaring may be treated on there own, it may take the skin time to repayment.

When you stare at a picture for a long time it doesn't fade away because your eye movement that are called glissades true or false?

False. The reason a picture doesn't fade away when you stare at it for a long time is because our eyes continuously make tiny movements called microsaccades, not glissades. These movements help to refresh the visual information on our retinas, preventing visual adaptation.

What is a temp fade haircut?

a temp fade is a low fade on back and sides and however long you whant on the top.I really like it!!

Does made have a long or short a sound?

It has a long A as in fade or the homophone, maid.

Does made have a short a or long a sound?

It has a long A as in fade or the homophone, maid.

Does permanent hair colour slowly fade away if they do how long?

Yes. All haircolor fades in my experience as a hairdresser, but it does not fully go away. It may just fade to a lighter shade of the existing color. The color fades depending on how often you style it, are in the sun, and shampooing it. If you use proper products to protect the color it will last much longer.