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PCP never really does leave the system completely. PCP attaches itself at the back of the brain and stays there for a period of time. As for the affects of PCP, the affects vary how long you have it based on your reaction to the trip. You can have a really bad trip and have it stay that way for days or weeks or even longer than that, depending on your reaction. Otherwise, PCP affects leave after a substantial amount of time. The affects usually last a good deal of time, and it can make one extremely violent and cause harm to others or themselves. PCP is a powerful drug that can turn anyone for the worst, and many PCP panic attacks come after usage of the drug. Once someone uses PCP for the first time, you are more likely to have problems with it later on, as PCP triggers very heavy panic attacks at random moments. PCP panic attacks tend to come at random times, and can be very dangerous. These panic attacks can last a lifetime from just one usage, depending on the user. They usually have longer-termed affects, which makes it different than other heavier drugs. I hope this answers your question!

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15y ago
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10y ago

The drug PCP will normally show up in a urine test for about 7 days. It will be present longer if someone is a heavy user.

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13y ago

It stays up to 5 days to a week.

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how long does pcp stay in your mouth

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almost a year

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2-3 days

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Q: How long does it take for pcp to leave your system?
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How long does it take pcp to get out of your system?

12 hours

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It depends on how often you consume marijuana, your weight, and other factors. The marijuana will be the last to leave your system and can take a week to 60 days.

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Is there a home remedy to cleanse your system of PCP?

The system can't be cleaned of PCP. The drug stays in your fat, hair, and body forever. It does NOT leave the body. People who have taken it often have a rebound effect because it is in the body.

How long does it takes for pcp to get out your system?

It takes about 10 days to excrete roughly 97 percent of smoked PCP from the body. This however depends on its potency and dose.

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What to take to get PCP out of your system?

Truthfully, just wait three days, and dont do anymore drugs in that time.

How do you get pcp out of your system?

You can't clean it out of your system. It stays in the cells and tissues. It will NOT leave your body.

How long does PCP stay in your system. Can the levels in drug tests fluctuate even if your not using anymore?

pcp can remain in ur system for 60-90 can have effects that u had the first time you took it for long periods of advice....stay away from it...i've been there....

I weigh 200 and don't smoke pcp that much but i smoked a week ago how long will the pcp stay in your system?

If it was a week ago, it should be out by now. i heard a month but by now its auguta gone

What is the addictive property found in pcp?

Phencyclidine (PCP) is addictive because of the effect it has on brain function and the central nervous system. It makes people who take it have an "out-of-body" experience, and they end up wanting more.