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it depends upon how deep the wound is and area, skin conditions, and type of injury

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Q: How long does it take for injuries to heal?
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It depends on how severe the injuries are.

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Its due to poor perfusion (blood supply)

How long is it going to take for it to heal and for me to run with no pain?

Your best bet is to go see a therapies. And follow up with a doctor all injuries are unique in the way they heal. You can also go to your local library an ask for books on running injuries that may help.

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It will take about 4-7 Day's to heal.

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If you mean "how long does it take SKIN to heal under glue sutures" then the answer is about 4-5 days .

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How can you heal running injuries?

yes if you run

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how long does it take to heal after a pelvic surgeory

Why do bone injuries heal quickly?

Bone injuries heal very quickly because bone has a lot of direct blood flow. This direct blood flow delivers the nutrients needed to heal an injury.

How does injuries on skin heal faster than injuries in the brain?

Injuries in the brain do not heal because brain cells cannot grow back. On the other hand body cells (skin) do grow back.