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Generally,cocaine,heroin,meth etc. only stay in your system for 72 hours.

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Any significant level of cocaine would be undetectable within 3 days.

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Q: How long does it take for cocaine to exit your system?
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How long does it take cocain to get out your system?

72hours/3days for cocaine to get out of bloodstream. Don't do cocaine, it'll eff you up.

How long does cocaine really take to get out of your system?

48- 72 hours usually

What if you've used cocaine habitually how long does it take to get out of your system?

No more then 7 days

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Cocaine will generally not stay in your system for more than 3 days.

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My psycatrist said one day . 20mg

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What to take to clean your system from cocaine?

Cocaine only takes about 3 days to leave your system, although for extremely heavy users, it could potentially take up to a week. If you cannot stop doing cocaine for that long, then you are clearly an addict and you should not be looking for a job, anyway. You should be in treatment.

What can you take to get the cocaine out your system fast?

There is nothing you can take to get cocaine out of your system. It will metabolize on its own rate, dependent on the state of your liver and kidneys.

How long would it take you to clean your system of cocaine with cranberry pills?

It takes 3 days or 72 hrs to clear your system of cocaine.

Does exercise get cocaine out of your system?

Exercise helps decrease the crave for cocaine in addicted subjects.

Use cocaine once per week how long will it take for it to come out of system and test negative?

3-5 days.

What do you take to get cocaine out of your system?

special magic water !!!