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This varies on the person you are talking about.

It may be when you are 8, or when you are 20.

Usually You'd Mature around 13 - 16.

Maturity is not a simply physical change in the body. It is an attitude, an awareness of how things are and not how we would like them to be.

That happens (and in some cases does not) at various stages in our lives. Nor is it just a male phenomena. Some boys never 'grow up'. Neither do some girls.

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13y ago
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15y ago

They mature around the end of high school or in college. But, before that they still kids. :)

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14y ago

Around The Time They Finish High School. But Males Do Stop Growing Ate Age 21 !

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15y ago

Puberty generally finishes at around 16-19 years old.

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8y ago

Boys start to become sexually mature during puberty

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when do boys stop grow

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yes.girls do mature way faster then boys. girls mature between 18,19,or 20.i think boys mature when they are like 26 or close to their 30's. I dont think so and im a girl boys just dont mature faster. My sister is in 8th grade and all the boys there are immature and she and all her friends are mature.

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