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The average person fallls asleep in seven minutes.

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Q: How long does it take for an adult to fall asleep?
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How long does it take for an average11-year-old to fall asleep?

It takes them about 20 minutes to fall asleep. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!

How long does it take a human body to fall asleep?

It takes the average person seven minutes to fall asleep

How long should it take to fall asleep?

About 5-10 minutes

How long does it take to fall asleep with sleeping gas?

The time it takes to fall asleep after inhaling sleeping gas can vary depending on the individual's tolerance and the concentration of the gas. In general, it can take a few minutes for the effects of the gas to kick in and for the person to fall asleep.

How long does it take people to get to sleep?

Well, many people fall asleep the minute head hits pillow, others may take one hour or more to fall asleep.

How do you get your chihuahua to fall asleep using so you can groom him easily?

Take em for a long walk.

How long does it take for someone to fall asleep?

Depends on the person... But the average is 7-13 minutes

How can you fall asleep when your not tired?

Take a sleeply Pill!

How long does it usually take a small child to fall asleep?

Once you give em a dose of sleeping pills then they fall asleep. If I'm being serious, then give em milk n rock em till they sleep :D kk thx buyyyy!

How long does it take for a human body to fully fall asleep?

I have heard that it takes your body a complete 2 hours to fall asleep. but im not sure of this information. An average tired person should take between 20 - 30 minutes to fall asleep. If it takes you shorter than this, you're overtired and should consider changing your sleep schedule. If longer, consider exercising more or setting your alarm so you wake up earlier and have longer to tire yourself out.

Should you take Seroquel 50 to help you fall asleep?

No, it won't help you sleep.

How long does it take a person from the time they fall asleep at night to fall into deep sleep and im not talking about REM sleep im talking about the sleep where is it is hard to wake the person up?

Around about 7 minuets :)