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As long as you have a low body fat percentage your abs will show. Doing more ab exercises at your age won't help with definition. Doing more ab exercises will strengthen them, but cutting fat is the only way to have them show; however at your age this is unhealthy and unorthodox. Trust me, you can get the girl without the abs

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9y ago
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13y ago

By working out but you won't actually get a six pack until you grow up and start maturing more..........and when you do.......good excersice is also important basicly itll show when u go through puberty

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11y ago

A kid shouldn't even be trying. Making the muscles visible relies on removing as much as possible of the subcutaneous(=under-the-skin) fat.

Trouble is, we're meant to have some of that fat. It's our padding, our insulation and our energy reserve. Get rid of enough of it and you'll weaken your immune system, your energy levels can drop, and you might find it hard to maintain body temperature.

As a kid - someone who's still growing - it's an extra bad idea to get rid of the energy reserve. Growth takes a lot of energy to start with, and if you haven't got that energy available, your growth can be affected.

Sure, being flabby might not be healthy either, but don't try for the sixpack until you've got all your growing done.

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9y ago

It is never 'easy' to define your abs. First, as a young boy, you'll still be growing taller and losing your "baby fat" (which is normal in all pre-teen children). Second, good nutrition will help start your abs. You can't have tight muscles if you still eat lots of fried or fast foods. Make sure you get proteins which help build muscles, and plenty of vegetables for vitamins and energy. You should exercise responsibly. Know that any activities (biking, running around during play, etc.) or sports will help you slim and build muscles.

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14y ago

you an get a six pack from 2 and above as long as you excercise daily and stuff lots of love your secret admireer

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14y ago

If you watch your calories and eat right, do 80 crunches a day, do 20 push ups a day, for 2 months, you will lose all body fat, and have toned stomach muscles, but i wouldn't say six pack.

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12y ago

go and ask a person in the GYM.. They'll prolly know...

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13y ago

it takes a second

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Q: How long does it take a kid to get six pack abs?
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