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Q: How long does it naturally take for a tooth to grow in?
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How long does it take for your tooth to grow in?

It usually takes about from six months to five months.

How long does it take to grow a walrus mustache?

Unless you are a walrus, you will never naturally grow a walrus mustache.

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You can not make your hair grow any faster than it does naturally.

How long does it take for a wisdom tooth to grow through the gum?

5 years for them to fully grow through! 5 years for them to fully grow through!

How long does it take for a fallen baby tooth to grow back?

That would depend on if your a child or not. you have two sets of teeth in your life time, when you are a child and lose a tooth an adult tooth takes its place, if your an adult and lose a tooth it does not grow back.

How long does it take for a tooth to drop?

It takes baby teeth about 1-3 weeks to fall out. Pulling the tooth makes it worse and harder for it to grow in. -Unknown

How long does it take the permanent tooth to grow after the baby one is pulled?

It depends on a number of factors. Was the baby tooth loose at the time? If so, the permanent tooth should begin erupting into the mouth within just a few days or weeks. If the baby tooth was not loose, it could take several months, depending on the state of development of the permanent tooth. After taking an x-ray of the area, a dentist could make a fairly accurate prediction of how long the permanent tooth will take to grow in. If the baby tooth was lost prematurely, a space maintainer might need to be placed to prevent future orthodontic or occlusion problems. Check with a dentist.

My Hamster had one long tooth and one short then all of a sudden it fell out when he washed him self u got to help me?

If its a front tooth it has probably broken off and another should grow. If any tooth just falls out for no reason, take the hamster to the vet.

How long does it take for a tooth to decay in soda?

a while

How long will it take the tooth to come in after an extraction?

well unless your having a baby tooth extracted there should be no other tooth that comes in.

How long does it take to get a cap put on a tooth?

couple hours.

What if your a hamster loses a whole tooth?

It will grow back, don't worry, but it might take some time.