This depends on the cause of the heartburn, ones that are caused by ulcers tend to last longer. Mild heartburns usually last until one takes medicine for it.
Heartburn, also known as acid indigestion, usually only lasts a few hours and is relieved by antacids. Chronic heartburn may require prescription medicines.
Everybody at one point or another suffer from heartburn. Unfortunately, for some it occurs much more often then desired. The common symptom of heartburn is an acidic, burning sensation that occurs slightly above the heart, but under the throat. Sometimes it doesn't last long, other times you need medicine to clear it up.
Gastroenterologists study heartburn
What you eat actually causes heartburn. Some people get heartburn when they eat Hot Dogs and spaghetti. The process of digestion causes heartburn.
Heartburn is a common symptom of pregnancy but heartburn alone should not be an indication of pregnancy.
What you eat actually causes heartburn. Some people get heartburn when they eat Hot Dogs and spaghetti. The process of digestion causes heartburn.
You can talk with your doctor or go to for the symptoms of heartburn. Both will help you in deciding if you actually have a real problem with heartburn of just an occasional problem with heartburn.
Heartburn can give you a toomer.
For some people it will cause heartburn
Heartburn is not deadly. However, some of the conditions that CAUSE heartburn can be harmful to your health. If you have constant heartburn, see your doctor. If you get heartburn once in a while after having 2 of those chili dogs with extra onions, then stop eating those.