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Once hair follicles are dormant and have not produced hair in some time, chances of hair growing back are very slim. Once follicles are dead, there is no reviving.

However, if you are able to catch hair thinning before the hair follicles are no longer producing, you can help to keep the follicles stimulated. There are natural ways as well as pharmaceutical ways to help slow down hair loss.

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Q: How long does hair take to grow back if you r bald?
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BoBo165 is the king

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Normally yes, but if you happen to be dead at the time of the trimming of the hair then as long as you're dead, your hair will not grow back.

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it grows back if you trim it a little once per month. Then your hair can grow faster and longer.

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it depends how bad you grow your hair back maybe a week or two

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If you've gone naturally bald, I have unfortunate news for you - it's not growing back. You're constantly losing hair follicles - baldness is the result of those hair follicles being lost faster than they can be grown.

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