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How to get Crystal meth out of your body in four days

Smoking meth usualy takes 2-5 days to clear youre system. Depending on dosage, body, and the amount of exsercize you do daily.

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How long does crystal meth show up in a urine test?

The amount of time crystal meth stays in your system depends on the amount of crystal meth consumed. It will stay in your system for a minimum of 72 hours. However, it can stay in your system for between 3 to 5 days.

How long does crystal meth stay in your sytem when you injected it?

3 days

How long does crystal meth stay in breast milk?

Crystal Meth is said to stay in your system for 48-72 hours. With some people crystal meth may remain in their system for up to 5 days. Breast Milk directly reacts from foods and medications consumed by the mother. In result, breast milk will contain the drug crystal meth for at least 48 hours and possibly up to 5 days. Any breast feeding would pass the crystal meth to the child nursing during that period of time.

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How long does crystal meth stay in your urine if you inject into your veins?

I have heard that when used by injecting it could stay in your system for 21days. The puncture spot where you inject the meth in is like a small miss and you will still test dirty

How long does crystal mathe stay in yous system?

Meth stays in your system for about 72 hours. On a site on "passing urine drug screens" I read 3-5 days.

How long does shooting meth stay in your system?

for as long as you remain stupid

Hoe long does meth stay in your system if you inject it?

Crystal meth in general stays in your system for 8 plus days... Without using any meth in those days.. Please I ask you don't try it if you haven't before and if you do use needles get help for the sake of your family and all of those who love you

How long will one line of meth stay in your system?

a while

How long does liquid meth stay in a system?

it has a long life so it can stay in the system for up to 5 days.

How long does crystal meth stay in your system if you eat it compared to smoking it?

As long as it takes for you to crap. Just drink a lot of water.

How long does meth n erimin 5 stay in Urine?

how long for traces of drugs stay in the urine for it to be tested positively