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Q: How long does cocaine stay in your system after long term use?
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What cocaine withrawal can do in your system?

Cocaine withdrawal occurs with heavy and long term cocaine use. The withdrawal symptoms with cessation of chronic cocaine use are usually emotional rather than physical. The symptoms include depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, suspicion and a craving for more cocaine, to name a few.

Long-term effects of cocaine?

unstable stomach elegiacal

Does crack cocaine do any long term damage?


How long does ice stay in your system by smoking it?

2-3 days, heavy users can take up to 6 weeks to clear ,tip drink alot of water and juices to flush it , very bad drug with long term effects, it will ruin ur life eventually. Smoking or injecting is suicide. It is the poor mans cocaine.

Does cocaine have any long term effects?

yes, mentally speaking and nerve irregularities

What are the long term side effects of cocaine?

Loss of touch with reality, extreme paranoia

How long will crack cocaine stay in your system?

generally three days after using, but it can stay longer or shorter depending on the amount, and how much the person uses. 3-7 days, sometimes longer depending on metabolism, frequency of use, and the amount used.

What are some long term signs of crack cocaine use?

In general some long term signs of crack cocaine use is a twitch like action that occurs randomly, another general sign is the gums and teeth if it was being smoked. Crack cocaine causes multiple effects which can mostly be classified as brain damage.

How do you get cocaine out my urine?

Avoid consuming it, detoxify and wait for some time. Cocaine only takes around 72 hours (3 days) on average to leave your system. Maybe 6 or 7 days if you're an extremely heavy, long-term user.

Crack cocains long term effects?

The long term effects of crack cocaine can include personality disorders, mental disorders, and heart problems. It can also cause death.

If you done cocaine today and used a detox shampoo can you pass a hair follicle test in a week?

Just a word to the wise: Cocaine can make you feel important but its main effect is to make you want more of it. Long-term use generally turns nice, intelligent people into paranoid gun-runners. Do yourself a favor, and stay away from it.

What happens after a person injects cocaine?

I think they start to like it and go through long term and short term affects.I need MORE info.