no cocain stays inside u forever peace drugger
It is a part of your body. It stays in all your life
untill you puke it up...
3 to 4 day's
marijuana stays in your body temporarily for a few hours in to you urinate the effect will go a way.....
Cocaine speeds your body up. It is a stimulant not a depressant.
There is no treatment for cocain
it does not leave. it stays inside your body like if you chew your hair then the hair stays inside your body forever and you'll have to have a opporation to get it out........ BYE xx
Indefinitely, without blood flow it goes nowhere.
No venom stays in the body for than a few hours, but in most cases, that is long enough to cause serious damage to the body and possibly kill the victim too.
Cocain Romance was created in 1934.
No drug other than cocain should show up as cocain. If you are afraid of it showing up on a urine screening then don't do it.