Cat is digested at a similar rate to any other red meat, which on average take from 1 to 3 days to be completely digested and eliminated from the body. If devoured entirely, there may be other factors.
Hair (fur) is not digestible and in large enough quantities, the undigested hair might eventually develop into a "trichobezoar," a hairball, which could ultimately require emergency surgery. The sharp nails may also be problematic, as they are chemically similar to hair, and as well as not being digested, could cause lacerations of the gastrointestinal tract. In regards to the bones, it depends on how much processing (chewing) has occurred before the cat was swallowed. Humans can break down bone with enzymes and acids that are found in the stomach. This is a function intended to break down and smoothe sharp edges of bone which have been ingested accidentally, allowing them to pass through the body without causing damage. In large quantities, specifically an entire cat, the amount of surface area of the bone will play a major role in determining the time-frame of digestion.
Additional factors, such as the size, breed and whether or not the cat was domesticated may play a role in determining the processing time, however one may ask the question, "If you made the decision to eat your pet, do you really care how long it takes before you drop the brown kittens off to the pool?"
Xanax stays in the system of most mammals for about 48 to 72 hours. 1 milligram of Xanax would stay in the system of a cat for about this long.
The drug CAT stays in your system for up to a week
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The bacterium, which remains in a cat's bloodstream for several months after infection, seems to be harmless to most cats, and normally an infected cat will not display any symptoms.
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