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Q: How long does bacteria stay in the mouth after vomiting last?
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You should always clean it, for as long as you have it pierced, because your mouth is one of the dirtiest places on your body, there is a lot of bacteria in your mouth so it could get infected easily.

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Approx 30 seconds in full gargle

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Yes it can, however, it shouldn't last long.

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Depends on how fast you chew or suck them.

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72 hours

How long does the graphic amputation scene in 127 Hours last?

its only a minute long dont worry. but try to sit alone there are storys of people vomiting.

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it can stay in your body for about 2 weeks, held in any longer and you will experience vomiting and poo appearing in your vomit. enjoy.

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He should last about one mouth or longer if your relationship is not Evan two weeks he is taking u for advantage

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eat it within hrs vey high in bacteria.

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Jellyfish don't get pregnant, they lay eggs.

Vomiting 5 yo Child - How long is too long?

Vomiting clears the dige stive system, so if the child has been vomiting for more than 12 hours (max), then get him/her to a hospital asap.

How long will a ricotta cheesecake last after making?

Only long enough for me to get the whole thing in my mouth. Sorry not helpful, probably only a few days.