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Use the syringe until the holes in your mouth fill up and they are no longer at risk of infection from food caught up in the sockets.

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Q: How long do you need to Use a syringe after wisdom teeth extraction?
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How long will the teeth be sensitive after wisdom teeth extraction?

it's depend on you. If you have healthy will do better in a week.

How long does it take for the wisdom teeth area to heel?

If you are referring to an extraction, it will start to heal within a few weeks and should completely heal within a few months! Certified Dental Assistant

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After I removed two of my wisdom teeth I stayed home for at least 1 week

What is the probable function of your wisdom teeth?

Long ago it was thought that the probable function of your wisdom teeth was to enable the chewing of rough food. However, it would appear that evolution has rendered the wisdom teeth to be pointless and no longer serves a purpose.

How long do you have to sleep with your head elevated after getting your wisdom teeth taken out?

As long as you want to.

How long does it hurt to have brackets on your wisdom teeth?

It depends if ur teeth are sencible if they are about 1 month if they are notabout 1 week

How long will you be in hospital for when you have your wisdom teeth out?

When I had my wisdom teeth out I never went to a hospital. It was done in the dental office and that was that. If you are going to a hospital it will be an outpatient procedure and you won't stay. This really is NOT a major thing to happen.

How long does face swell after wisdom teeth?

A bruised palate after the extraction of wisdom teeth is not uncommon. This generally heals within just a few days. Drinking cool liquids will sometimes help with the pain.

How long does wisdom teeth pain last while they grow in?

I am 54 and my wisdom tooth has not come out due to unknown reason and while opening my Jaw I get Jaw-lock problem and face difficulty and no remedy/operation is available after verifying with one of the top Dontologist.

2 year with teeth pain in the back where wisdom teeth grow?

If it has been that long just go see an oral surgeon.

How long should you wait to play football after getting your wisdom teeth cut out?

1 hour

How long do you need to eat a cold diet after wisdom teeth extractions?

till it stop hurting