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Not long, maybe a day or so. But the pain will be so overwhelming you'll want to go to the hospital ASAP.

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Q: How long do you live after appendix explodes?
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How long can you live if you have appendicitis?

Once you get your appendix removed, you have normal life expectancy.

What animal has the longest appendix?

The longest appendix relative to body size is found in rabbits, as they have a very long appendix compared to other animals. The elongated appendix in rabbits helps in digesting cellulose from their plant-based diet.

What happens if you don't have your appendix?

Nothing will happen if you have had your appendix surgically removed. Doctors are not sure why humans have an appendix. We can live without it.

Does a Koala have an appendix?

Yes, they have an appendix. Also, said appendix is about two meters long.

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What body system is affected by appendictis?

The appendix. For future reference(in case you don't know) anything with the ending, "itis" means inflammation. So appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Also the appendix is an organ near the small intestine that filters out some foods. With the inflammation of the appendix, a human can potentially die if not treated correctly. Most of the time, if the person is not under care of a doctor, when the appendix explodes, which is usually the side effect of this, they will die. There are exceptions however...

What happens if your Appendix explodes?

It is a serious condition and needs immedieate medical attention. If not treated, infection will spread and can kill the person in 1 hour and is very painful

How long do you live after burst appendix?

If a person has appendicitis, their appendix may burst open, resulting in leakage of fluid into the intestines. Although a ruptured appendix can result in death, most often it doesn't kill the patient. Rather, it results in a serious infection, which gradually worsens without medical intervention.

How long is the appendix?


Does the appendix filter blood?

Yes, but your kidneys and liver filter your blood too so you can live without an appendix.

Will the removal of your appendix change your life?

the removal of your appendix will not change your life. because your appendix is just an accesory to your large intestine. long ago the appendix was much more useful than today.

Why it is important to removed appendix through surgery if a person suffer from inflamed appendix?

A person may have to have their appendix removed if it becomes infected. If the appendix ruptures, the infection can spread throughout the body and cause major problems.