cocaine stays in your system 3 days.
Cocaine may stay in your body for 3 days, but the long term effects on your body are unchangeable and you won't know the long term effects until you are older and all cleaned up. Just say no!!! I wish that I had because it what have saved me a lot of pain down the road.
Unlike heroin or cocaine, you cannot overdose on marijuana.
Drug overdose with cocaine
Cocaine overdose
Cocaine is definitely worse. Cocaine is an addictive drug while marijuana is only emotionally addictive. Cocaine is also a drug where you can overdose on whereas you can't overdose on marijuana. Also, cocaine isn't always pure so you can end up snorting rat poison along with it.
Some of the symptoms of cocaine overdose are chest pain, vomiting, nausea, tremors, seizures, breathing irregularities, increased body temperature and increased heart rate.
Yes you can and on any drug both legal and illegal
No you will die by cocaine overdose. :)
die or if u dont have it in time might go into withdrawal
Yes, you should get to a hospital right away.
not painfull at all... considering u would be dead or in a coma
Cocaine is one of the most unhealthy drugs. If you use too much drugs, you can die of a drug overdose. Drugs are disgusting. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!