If you were ever addicted you will crave it for the rest of your life.
Hmm. Perhaps if they love it so much that they would be able to trade one addiction for another....
This depends on the individual, but you may be mixing up heroin users with meth/ecstasy users. Amphetamine users are even more so known to crave sugary foods and drinks (further contributing to the infamous "meth mouth"). Heroin is also a drug that can decrease serotonin and alter glycemic control, which possibly has a part in triggering this.
Don't do it!!!
I crave for a D.S.Chocolate!
crave, thirst, long for, wish :D
If this is for the Sunday Express crossword, Sunday Sept 20th, question 20 across, we have put 'covet' which is to wish, long or crave after something.
That depends on a lot of things: her diet, physiological, psychological, sociological, reproductive needs. Examples:A cow in heat would crave a bull.A cow that has a diet that is poor in phosphorus will crave phosphorus by eating wood.A cow that has been separated from the herd will crave having company or her herd mates back.A cow that has been eating dry feed for a long period of time will crave water.A cow in a frightening situation will crave to get out of it as soon and as fast as possible.
They do not crave anything.
Heroin will stay in the urine for 3-5 days
Heroin usually stays in your system for around 3 to 5 days.