

How long do bees live up to?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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Honey bee workers live for about 6 weeks in summer and 6 months in winter. Drones live for about 4 months and a queen could live for about 5 years but beekeepers usually replace them after 3 years.

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How long do honey bees live if caught in a container?

About two days

How bees live?

Bees live in a colony and their nest is called a hive. There is one queen bee and hives can have up to 80,000 bees. Bees eat nectar and pollen from flowers and plants. The workers make honey, which is feed to the larvae.

Can bees live in bottles?

Bees will not be able to live in bottles for very long. Even a large bottle is unlikely to be large enough for them to create a honeycomb and have a colony large enough to be viable.

How long to bees live up to?

Honey bee workers live for about 6 weeks in summer and 6 months in winter. Drones live for about 4 months and a queen could live for about 5 years but beekeepers usually replace them after 3 years.

Do honey bees live in Mexico?

Yes honey bees live in Mexico

Do drones live alone or do they live with other kinds of bees?

It depends on the species of bee. With solitary bees they will live alone, but with social bees they live with the colony. Honey bee drones could not live alone because they depend on the worker bees to feed them.

Do bees live in Asian?

Bees live everywhere in the world except for the Arctic and Antarctic.

Do bees live in Japan?

Yes, there are bees in Japan.

What bees live in?

Bees stay in bee hives.

How big is the largest recorded bee?

The largest known bees would be the Chalicodoma Pluto. These bees are up to 1.6 inches or 40 millimeters long.

How long do worker bees of different races live on average?

Six weeks in summer and six months in winter.