Honey bee workers live for about 6 weeks in summer and 6 months in winter. Drones live for about 4 months and a queen could live for about 5 years but beekeepers usually replace them after 3 years.
I beat that bees live up to 68 year old
The lifespan of a worker bee is typically around 4-6 weeks in the summer and a few months in the winter. Queen bees can live up to 2-5 years. Male bees, called drones, usually only live for a few weeks.
Only honey bees (Apis Mellifera) live in large colonies of up to 80,000 bees because they work as a team and are known as social bees. Other bees live individually or in small groups and are known as solitary bees.
For one year
It depends on how many stripes it has
1 To 9 Months
About two days
Bees live in a colony and their nest is called a hive. There is one queen bee and hives can have up to 80,000 bees. Bees eat nectar and pollen from flowers and plants. The workers make honey, which is feed to the larvae.
Honey bees live in a hive, bumble bees live in a nest.
bees live in beehives
Bumble bees live for about 2 to 6 weeks, although queen bumble bees can live for several months. The duration of their lifespan depends on factors such as the time of year and their role within the colony.
Solitary bees live alone and do not form colonies, while social bees such as honeybees live in colonies with a queen, workers, and drones. Solitary bees build individual nests for their offspring, while social bees collaborate to build and maintain a communal nest.